#fond losers
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fulltimeinternethomo · 6 months ago
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how bout fuck off
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slavhew · 12 days ago
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prusty torment nexus
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actuallyjustabiscuit · 3 months ago
Jax’s behavior is legit pretty fascinating
Yes it’s time I ramble about the purple twink.
Fast Food Masquerade did something crazy in that it actually got me to start empathizing with the asshole because Jax’s visible frustration throughout this adventure was too real.
And in fact, it’s why I think Jax was acting so “different” towards the latter half of the episode.
This adventure was Too. Damn. Real.
Now, Jax’s character is actually really simple. He even sums up his whole schtick in the pilot.
“I’m fine with doing whatever, as long as I get to see funny things happen to people.”
Then in a hilarious bit of instant karma, promptly gets hit in the face with a gloink
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The “-who aren’t me” part of that self description pretty much goes without saying.
Immediately after this happens, Jax’s little laidback exterior gets so rattled that he suddenly feels the need to take control and starts assigning tasks to everyone. And his casual attitude only returns once he feels like he’s not in any position for ridicule, by redirecting the potential for ridicule onto others. This is his defense mechanism.
Jax needs to feel in control, so he deliberately controls whatever situation he’s in to get the results he wants.
Something that I’ve always appreciated about Jax from a meta perspective is that he’s a character who actively moves the story forward, usually because he wants to satisfy his urge to create chaos.
And that’s the main thing about Jax, he’s really destructive.
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Like…almost pointlessly destructive.
But, y’know what? It makes sense. Because he’s in a video game.
Where else can you be as needlessly and excessively chaotic than in a game where you can do pretty much anything because nothing is real?
Jax can hurt whoever and wreck whatever because if he’s living by video game logic, then there are no lasting consequences to his actions.
Jax even goes so far as to refer to Pomni, and by extension the other trapped humans, as a “character” in the pilot. Which goes to show how little he wants to consider them as people.
You can’t really hurt a character. And if used correctly, a character can be entertaining.
And that’s all Jax really wants out of his new life in the Circus, entertainment. Because the worst thing you can be while stuck in a game is be bored.
But of course, even in games, your actions have certain consequences that are just unavoidable.
And Episode 4 really beat Jax’s yellow teeth in with that not-so-fun little reminder. Because this bit right here
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Pretty much was the precedent for how bad Jax was gonna get it this time.
And it all starts with Gangle absolutely refusing to let his usual bullshit slide by personally making sure that there will be consequences.
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This is the first crack in Jax’s mask, he’s visibly concerned and annoyed that he no longer is allowed to be himself lest he risks getting punished. And even more baffling is that for the first time, Gangle asserts her power over him. She actually does something about his behavior, ripping the wind right out of his sails. Not only that but she continually enforces her authority, making it harder on him to get the upper hand again.
Now his interaction with Zooble is really interesting, because it’s the first time we see him at his most normal.
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I don’t think he’s trying to tease them here, I feel like he’s genuinely curious about Zooble’s way of “playing” the game, because remember, it’s been a long time since they’ve been on an adventure together, if at all. Zooble’s excuse of wanting to avoid punishment makes sense because they witnessed first hand that Caine’s unstable personality is capable of some legitimate danger.
Of course, Jax believes that there isn’t any real risk involved. The only immediate menace to him and his current desire to just get through the day, is Gangle and her new mask.
At this point he’s not trying to be destructive or disruptive. He’s fully apathetic, because being forced to act like a minimum wage salary employee is not fun in the slightest. He can’t make things fun for himself, so he refuses to participate entirely.
As the clock mocks him with every slow tick, his mask chips more and more.
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Jax isn’t saying this to be calculatingly rude or hurtful, he’s not doing this to upset Gangle. He’s being sincere, which is why he’s not smiling.
Because Gangle is much easier to push around and go along with whatever he wants her to do when she’s in Tragedy mode. She’s more “fun” that way.
In other words, he really hates this new dynamic they’ve got going on.
But this little comment, just makes things even worse for him because now Gangle goes from enforcing her authority to straight up abusing it by letting herself abuse him for a change.
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It’s crazy how Jax’s main concern here is making sure this torture scene is just between them. He really hates being humiliated, more so than getting physically hurt.
The man has some serious issues, but c’mon we already knew that.
So Jax is finally getting a taste of his own medicine and it completely emasculates him. To the point where he just defaults to doing whatever Gangle tells him to do just to avoid feeling like that again. Now the mask is fully stripped off, he’s openly exasperated and powerless. On top of that he has no real impulse to ridicule or ruffle anyone’s feathers anymore, because for the first time in probably a long while, he’s even more miserable than everyone else.
And what does misery love?
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As someone who’s worked in retail for a while, nothing helps keep you sane more than having a little of bit of camaraderie when struggling to survive in corporate hell.
Something that really stood out to me in this episode is the limited use in background music, especially when in Spudsy’s, where you either get muzak to sell the ambiance of a public eatery or silence with the occasional machinery noise.
And yeah, that’d be enough to make shit as immersive as possible. It’s not a coincidence that the restaurant looks like a McDonald’s when Gooseworx even said it was directly modeled after it. It’s uncanny, how real this setup feels.
Uncomfortably uncanny.Jax seething at the clock is a relatable struggle.
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The mask immediately comes back on once Jax no longer has any obligation to stick around.
But Jax can’t even enjoy his freedom. His day is officially over, but the sting of the experience still lingers. The adventure wasn’t just boring or frustrating, it was humbling, in every terrible way. This wasn’t a game, it was real life.
And I think the last kick in the teeth was this license plate waiting for him in the parking lot (Why did Caine make them drive “home”? That’s just extra)
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One is the loneliest number
Jax doesn’t hide the fact that he’s an asshole, he’s almost proud of it. He practically relishes getting a rise out of everyone. He is well aware that nobody likes him, but I think this where he starts realizing that it actually bothers him.
Everyone has talked about that very brief moment where Jax’s expression changed towards the end of Candy Carrier Chaos, when Ragatha was talking about Kaufmo’s funeral and we get to see him actually get sad for a change, before immediately shaking it off and stomping away in irritation.
Jax showed no concern over Kaufmo’s abstraction in the pilot, so why would he feel sad about it in that moment? Does he secretly care about his fellow humans and just doesn’t want to admit it?
Maybe. But personally, I think the others choosing to morn those who’ve abstracted like they’re dead makes him seriously uncomfortable. Because it serves as a reminder that even in this world, there are still major consequences when some things aren’t taken seriously.
Jax doesn’t want to consider real life consequences. None of them even look like real people, so why should he bother treating everyone like real people?
So when he sees everyone else getting closer and being good to each other, it’s annoying and weird. The idea that they need to look out for one another feels pathetic. Treating abstraction seriously means it’s a real danger, and that would mean that he’s also susceptible to experiencing it one day.
And when you’ve built up a reputation over making everyone miserable, who’s gonna wanna remember you?
In a show that’s clearly all about building relationships, Jax’s destructive behavior is really gonna cost him.
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cable-salamdr · 7 days ago
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This is just what I’ve been up to btw— trying to figure out how to draw the one and only Amy Rose… by redrawing a great many archie panels
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I dunno whether I’ll ever show the full thing but there are. A few more like this, to say the least [looks at the like 10 or so panels i haven’t drawn yet] [looks back] . Anyways this is also my excuse to draw various other characters, including but not limited to Geoffrey, Shard, and Bernie <3
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astradyke · 5 months ago
i very much understand why folks might not be lovers of the sims series but i swear it has the most meaningful banter and lore drops to me... also every time phil says something about when dan was at uni i'm like oh. because you knew each other. you were there when he was writing these essays probably. and i'm So normal about it
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myimaginationplain · 6 months ago
my most normie gravity falls opinion is that I'm really really fond of dipifica, to the point where I really don't like to ship either of them with anyone else, lol
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sopekooks · 11 months ago
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220/638 days of missing yoongi
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reblogglelog · 2 years ago
cat dad atrocitus post
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good cat ;-;
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dex-starr is keeping atrocitus alive by making my a whole ass heart with his ring
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"father is being a kitten father is pathetic"
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and this is JUST the meme:
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anyway the red lantern series pre-guy is just atrocitus being horny for vengeance and an angsty philosophy major
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greenishness · 3 months ago
Finally watching bridgerton s3. I do think it's funny how C*lin develops feelings for a human woman for the first time in his life and goes fellas..... I have solved the male loneliness crisis....... Perhaps if we all laid off the misogyny a little...............
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fulltimeinternethomo · 10 months ago
okay, thanks for your opinion, Phil Trash #1🙄
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autisticrosewilson · 9 months ago
With the last loser Grant ask you just answered you said about Jason thinking it’s a prank and telling Grant to back off because he doesn’t want to get involved in his feud with Dick. How would Grant go about trying to convince Jason that he’s serious?
There's two paths here, the path where Grant goes off the rails immediately and the one where he goes off the rails AFTER trying to do things the moral way.
On the "he tries" path he gets more elaborate and creative with his methods of declaring his love and at first Jason brushes it off but then he gets creeped out/pissed off and tells Grant off completely.
Either way it's going to end with those hinges snapping. Suddenly we've taken a swan dive into genuine stalker territory. Jason is waking up to cryptic letters taped to his window, his toothbrush and underwear keeps going missing, Eddie is getting death threats from an unknown number. This has turned into a lifetime movie/Pretty Little Liars au I fear.
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werewolfbneimitzvah · 5 months ago
Kings 5 losses to start the season so far! ⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ (<- that's the beam still not being lit yet this season)
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catonatrain · 1 year ago
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im so obsessed how this new merch line is going with miyaji like i love the guy but id love to know what the discussions are like when they're choosing to make knb merch like i know back in the day he, midorima, and takao were marketed together a few times but this time theyre like... yeah.. put miyaji in buying his idol merch... and u know what i support that
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saturdaysky · 9 months ago
Midst 19 (season 1 finale)
Crowds rubbernecking the moon blowing apart. Yeah, I would be staring at the moon exploding, too. It would get me.
OHO it's falling into the ocean of the Fold! OHOHO a FOLD HURRICANE! This excites me even though it spells horrible fates for everyone in its way
Lark has gone into Survival Mode. I feel like she's very good at this mode, probably for dark, sad reasons
god i love the descriptions of the slowly-encroaching Fold. "a tsunami of Fold growing closer...its surface roiling, angry"
"Sherman, or what's left of him, in tow" ouch
THE TRUST IS CRASHING! I love shakeups like this. If Valor is worthless, then so is the drive to gain it, which destabilizes the entire profitable, horrible debt slavery economy the Trust has going. If Valor is worthless, Caenum is meaningless. I imagine there will be more Trust escapees after this
Spahr taking charge. He does actually have leadership skills to go with his fancy capelet and gold armor
Moc Weepe trying to escape consequences and IT'S SASKIA WITH A STEEL CHAIR
Moc Weepe getting scooped up and saved (saved?) by Imelda Goldfinch. Delicious. I think Moc Weepe thinks he can escape the tragedy he's trapped himself into, but I don't think he can. He's going to get exactly what he bargained for, and I bet it's going to ruin him
Spahr is MAD and DISAPPOINTED in Phineas, which Phineas is sooo normal about. I'm stoked at seeing real emotions in someone as seemingly unreadable as Spahr. What's his deal! Interested to find out.
"[Phineas] can't give himself time to think this all the way through, he just has to act. There isn't time, and he can't let Spahr say it. He will not give Spahr the time to tell him that he has failed. He will not hear that." Have i mentioned that my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE TRAIT in cringefail loser characters is when they fail forwards from one horrible mistake to an exciting, differently-horrible mistake simply because they can't bear having made any mistakes at all? Sunk cost fallacy, baby, it'll be worth it in the end!! It's gotta be worth it in the end. It has to be.
Oho! Spahr really wants to chase Phineas and make him fit better into the system, but Imelda stops him and he listens. They have a spare seat for Moc Weepe after all! Brutally cold. Love it. I hope Phineas comes back wrong.
"The focus is all he has" yeah, that sounds like Phineas
Oh no, Phineas is going to commit atrocities to get to Lark and Tzila, isn't he
Oh! No, it's just time for him to wholly lose the reason for his existence. I think this will be good for him, actually. It will at least be good for me.
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apheliia · 21 days ago
gale... i need to drop your ass from my party. you die too easy
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princehendir · 10 months ago
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People in real life: hey man how's it going
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